Hello developer. This is the uebermaps JSON REST API v2.
uebermaps is a platform for everyone to create and share maps with your favorite spots.
uebermaps are interactive maps that enable people to collect interesting places, collaborate, upload photos and share your public or private maps with your friends and family. If you use uebermaps for your mapping community, as a tour guide for friends or as your unlimited geo storage is up to you. Get started right now.
Every registered uebermaps user can use this API. All API endpoints are only accessible via https. The current API version is v2. For instance: grab a map by accessing the following url:
Important note
For your application, you should have each user go through an authentication and authorization flow in order to receive a valid auth_token.
Request Limits
Be nice. If you're sending too many requests too quickly, we'll send back a 503 error code (server unavailable). Each user is limited to 5000 requests per hour per auth_token. Whenever possible authenticate users so that limits dont´t count on your own auth_token.
JSON response
The meta key contains a code key and in case an error occured it contains additional information about the error. For index requests the meta key contains pagination information. The data key is where you find the data you requested. This can be a dictionary or an array. Each API request receives a JSON response. The basic structure of a response looks like:
"data": {
"id": 63921,
"name": "Bill Hicks",
"screen_name": "billhicks",
"url": "http://www.billhicks.com",
"location": "Little Rock, Arkansas",
"profile_picture": null,
"picture_url": null,
"header_picture": null,
"about": null,
"counts": {
"maps": 12
"meta": {
"code": 200
page | (optional) Specifies the page of results to retrieve. |
count | (optional) The number of potential results to retrieve per page. This value has a maximum of 50 for most resources. |
max_id/min_id | To use max_id correctly, an application’s first request to a endpoint should only specify a count. When processing this and subsequent responses, keep track of the lowest ID received. This ID should be passed as the value of the max_id parameter for the next request, which will only return objects with IDs lower than or equal to the value of the max_id parameter. |
Media upload
The image passed should be base64 encoded.
Authentication is handled by an authentication token. Authentication tokens may expire at any time in the future.
Receiving an auth_token
To receive an auth_token with HTTP Basic Authentication you have to make a get request to:
curl -v -u john.doe@example.com:PASSWORD -X GET https://geocha-production.herokuapp.com/api/v2/authentication
To receive an auth_token with url parameters
you have to make a get request to:
curl -v -X GET https://geocha-production.herokuapp.com/api/v2/authentication?user%5Bemail%5D=john.doe%40example.com&user%5Bpassword%5D=PASSWORD
Your response will look like this:
"data": {
"id": 63921,
"name": "Bill Hicks",
"screen_name": "billhicks",
"url": "http://www.billhicks.com",
"location": "Little Rock, Arkansas",
"profile_picture": null,
"picture_url": null,
"header_picture": null,
"about": null,
"counts": {
"maps": 12
"time_zone": null,
"language": null,
"auth_token": "VAxoQv9awynTek6K3p7L"
"meta": {
"code": 200
Keep the received auth_token securely for later requests. On subsequent requests simply pass the auth_token as part of your data and you will be automatically authenticated.
You can pass authentication tokens as part of the url but authentication tokens are best send in the request header
curl -v -X GET -H 'X-AUTH-TOKEN': 'VAxoQv9awynTek6K3p7L' https://geocha-production.herokuapp.com/api/v2/maps/MAP_ID
curl -v -X GET https://geocha-production.herokuapp.com/api/v2/maps/MAP_ID?auth_token=VAxoQv9awynTek6K3p7L
Collaboration and privacy
Visibility — Public and private
When you create new uebermaps, your uebermaps are public by default; anyone can view your uebermap. Should you choose to protect your uebermap, you can do so through the
Possible values | |
Anyone can see your uebermap. |
Your uebermap is private but you can share it with a secret link. |
Your uebermap is private. |
Updating the visibility of an uebermap:
curl -X PUT -d [map][visibility]=private https://geocha-production.herokuapp.com/api/v2/maps/9529942
With each uebermap you create you get full control over the way that people interact with the resources on your uebermap. People that visit your uebermaps are either:
Role | |
The person that created this uebermap. |
Can only be invited by the owner of this uebermap. |
Invited people that have specific access to this uebermap and the resources on it. |
Anyone else that visits your uebermap. |
You can set the access rights for spots, events, comments, photos and the uebermap itself individually for invited editors and visitors.
Set access to a resource by following this schema:
Possible values
map (editors only) | |
Can edit title, header photo and description of this uebermap. |
Can only view this uebermap. |
collaborators (editors only) | |
Can invite new editors to this uebermap. |
Can not invite new editors to this uebermap. |
spots, events, comments, attachments | |
Can create, edit, delete your own and anyone elses resources f.e. comments. |
Can create the specified resource but only edit and delete own resources. |
Can propose the specified resource and only edit and delete own resources. |
Can only view resources on this uebermap. |
The following snippet is a valid map settings json object.
"map_settings": {
"editor_access": [
"visitor_access": [
"respotting_to_this_map": false
Updating the map settings of an uebermap by sending access values comma separated for editors and visitors:
curl -X PUT -d [map][map_settings][editor_access]=can_administer.map, can_create.spots, can_administer.events, can_administer.comments, can_administer.attachments, can_propose.collaborators
-d [map][map_settings][editor_access]=can_none.map, can_propose.spots, can_propose.events, can_create.comments, can_create.attachments, can_none.collaborators https://geocha-production.herokuapp.com/api/v2/maps/9529942
Moderating proposals
By creating an uebermap you have full control to approve, delete, or edit the spots, events, photos and comments left on your uebermap. Moderation is a feature in uebermaps.com that allows you to prevent spots, events, photos or comments from appearing on your uebermap without your express approval. Moderation can be very useful in addressing spam, but it is also a great application for builing map communities.
Approving a resource
To approve a spot, event, photo or comment simply provide a status parameter with the value of 'approved' on a PUT request:
curl -X PUT -d [spot][status]=approved https://geocha-production.herokuapp.com/api/v2/spots/5829942
Unapproving a resource
To unapprove a spot, event, photo or comment simply send a DELETE request to the specified resource:
curl -X DELETE https://geocha-production.herokuapp.com/api/v2/spots/5829942